News Opportunities

 Black in Plant Science Funded Travel Grant 

7th BME Early Career Researcher Hybrid Conference Black in Plant Science funded Travel Grant! 

The University of Leeds is hosting the 7th BME ECR conference on the 13th July. The event is FREE and there are spaces for 120 in-person attendees and 500 online. 

There will be keynotes, panel discussions, workshops, an exhibition, Q & A sessions and the fully funded, popular post-conference ‘Maximising your potential’ leadership training by Fistral Training. See the Evenbrite page for more info and to register. 

Applications are now open for the Black in Plant Science UK funded travel grant for the event. We are funding two travel grants (up to £200) to cover travel costs within the UK and one night accommodation in Leeds. Deadline is the 11th June. Apply here.


We are pleased to announce that the BME ECR awardees are Osita Nwokeocha and Maureen Okibe click on their highlighted names to learn more about them.

There will be more upcoming opportunities in the future so make sure to follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn to stay up to date.