BiPS Conference 2024 Programme Overview

09:00 AM09:30 AM Registration (30 mins)  

09:30 AM10:00 AM Morning Refreshments (30mins)  

10:00 AM10:15 AM Welcome and program of events   

10:15 AM11:00 AM Plenary Talk – Prof. Steven Spoel 

11:00 AM11:15 AM Break (15 mins) 

11:15AM – 11:45 PM Meet the Black in Plant Science initiative  

11:45 AM – 12:30 PM Cultivate: 2024 BiPS Summer Studentship Awardees 

12:30 PM – 01:40 PM Connect: Networking Lunch (70 mins)  

01:40 PM – 02:40 PM Celebrate: Excellence Past and Present (60 mins) 

02:40 PM – 03:00 PM Break  

(the next part of the meeting is only open to attendees of black heritage background) 

03:00 PM – 04:30 PM Connect/Cultivate/Celebrate:  Breakout Sessions (90 mins, see details 

04:30 PM – 05:00 PM Conclusions, feedback and final remarks 

05:00 PM – 07:00 PM Pizza and Drinks 

For more information about each session, head to the Session Details page.

At all points of the day there will be vegetarian, vegan and halal options available. If you have have any other specific dietary requirements, please state this upon registration.

If you think you may need to stay the night before, please visit our FAQs page where were have laid out a few options.